“Beyond the Bay: teenage exploration, finding a strong sisterhood and navigating a place in the world”

Presentation at the 34th annual Wilderness and Canoe Symposium in Toronto, 24-25 February 2017
Video Presenter: 
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Year of video/Session: 

MAIA, HANNAH is an award winning filmmaker who likes to tell stories about things that make life worth living.  Based in the Lake District in the North West of England she works as Maia Media, on digital and creative projects often involving travel, tourism and outdoor adventures. Her academic background is in both social and visual anthropology.  She's a passionate outdoor swimmer and wilderness lover which has led to several short canoe trips to Sweden, Scotland and Canada.  She is currently in production of the film Beyond the Bay, which is a coming of age story following young women as they journey, by canoe, into the wilderness. 


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